Embracing Excellence: Cesare Villari, Maestro Artigiano

Embracing Excellence: Cesare Villari Awarded Maestro Artigiano Honours by Regione Veneto


We are thrilled to share a momentous achievement in the illustrious journey of Villari. On the 26th of November 2023, amidst the cultural richness of Vicenza, Cesare Villari, the creative force behind our brand, was honored with the prestigious Maestro Artigiano title by Regione Veneto. The distinction was proudly accepted by Mr. Ugo Ripoli, a dedicated Villari employee and a true representative of our commitment to excellence.

A Celebration of Artisanship and Dedication

The Maestro Artigiano honours epitomize a lifetime dedication to the art of craftsmanship, a pursuit that resonates deeply with Cesare Villari's vision. This accolade not only recognizes Mr. Villari's outstanding contributions to the realm of artistry but also celebrates the collective passion of the artisans and craftsmen who breathe life into every Villari creation.


A Commendation of Villari's Dedication to Craft

Regione Veneto's recognition is not just an individual accolade; it is a celebration of Villari's unwavering commitment to the highest standards of craftsmanship. This honor inspires us to continue our journey of creating timeless pieces that reflect the essence of artistry and dedication.

Looking Forward with Gratitude

We extend our sincere gratitude to Regione Veneto for bestowing this esteemed honor upon Cesare Villari and Mr. Ugo Ripoli. This recognition fuels our passion to explore new horizons in artisanship, design, and innovation. It also serves as a reminder of the profound impact that our creations have on the world of luxury and craftsmanship.


A Future Shaped by Excellence

As we celebrate this moment, we eagerly anticipate the future, where Villari will continue to be a beacon of excellence in the world of fine craftsmanship. Each piece tells a story of dedication, passion, and the enduring commitment to the art of creating something truly extraordinary.

Join us as we embark on this exciting chapter, inspired by the Maestro Artigiano honours and driven by the vision of Cesare Villari. Together, let's continue to create, innovate, and leave an indelible mark on the world of artisanal perfection.


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